eden ventures

Fast Track to Fast Growth. A competition for ambitious and innovative companies

zero to hero

"I found the day both stimulating and enjoyable. I just wish you had staged the event 6 months ago and we at PGI might have saved ourselves a great deal of time, money and frustration."
Keith Edwards of PGI commenting on the inaugural Zero-to-Hero 2005

Do you have what it takes to join the fast track? If so, you should be entering Zero-to-Hero 2006.
Catalyst Venture Partners is seeking 20 ambitious companies to take part in a free, day long work camp. Participants will have the opportunity to interactively evaluate their business plans with five Venture Capital companies.
Places are allocated by way of competition.
Entering is simple. All you have to do is email a copy of an Executive Summary business plan (maximum 6 pages) to zerotohero@catvp.com.
Eligible companies are those for whom technological application and innovation provides the underlying rationale for their business.
The work camp will be held on Wednesday 29th March 2006 at the RBS Williams Formula 1 Conference Centre in Oxfordshire.
The closing date for entries is Monday 6th March 2006.

Who should enter?
Zero-to-Hero 2006 is open to companies for whom technological application and innovation provides the underlying rational for their business. Entries for the inaugural event in 2005 came from a diverse range of business sectors including: environmental technology, biotechnology, computing software and hardware, new media, retail technology, materials technology and the application of electronic technology.

Companies who want to enter should be able to demonstrate:
Fully-developed and protectable Intellectual Property.
A core, experienced management team.
A potential worldwide addressable market of at least £500 million per annum.
A desire to achieve rapid growth with a view to exiting through float or trade sale within five years.

What will companies get from the day?
Companies will be able to:
Evaluate their business propositions against the standard required.
Understand the funding process and the time required for each stage of the process.
Develop a critical appreciation of the nature of the financing offers they are likely to receive and how to evaluate them.
Meet key investors in their sector and develop personal contacts.

One overall winner!
Following the event itself, the participating companies will be given additional time to re-appraise their business plans and submit a revised Executive Summary, if they wish, after which an overall competition winner will be chosen. The Executive Summaries will be re-evaluated on the basis of key criteria relating to their overall business plans, fast-track growth prospects and potential appeal to investors.

Last year's overall winner was Environmental Biotech, which has an environmentally friendly bacteria based solution to the problem of fat contaminated waste water.

How to enter
To enter, companies should email an Executive Summary of their business plan (maximum 6 pages) to zerotohero@catvp.com.
The closing date for entries is Monday, 6th March 2006.
Further details about Zero-to-Hero 2006 can be found at www.catvp.com/zerotohero.

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